Monday, September 19, 2011

Time to Blog Again

The book I read this week was The Warrior Elite (I know BA title right?) by Dick Couch.  Basically this book is about the forging of SEAL class 228.  The author, a former Navy SEAL himself, follows the class through it's journey to become part of the elite that is the Navy Seals.  112 guys start off training at the beginning and only 48 are left by the end of the first week of phase one.  I'm only reading about the training and exercises these guys are voluntarily putting themselves through and to be honest it's intimidating as heck.  One of the critics wrote "What you can take away from this book....[is] a profound sense of awe at what the human mind and body can will itself to do."  Right now in the book class 228 is a week away from hell week which, from what I've gathered so far, is essentially the instructors putting the class through hell to see if they can take it.  Now as bad as that may sound you have to remember everyone of these guys volunteered for this and, in another perspective, if they[instructors] weren't hard on them now then maybe they[class 228] mess up in combat and get someone killed.  On a much smaller and more personal scale it's like football.  The coaches push us and are hard on us because they know we can take it and if practice is harder then the game then I have nothing to fear, as the saying goes "preparation breeds confidence." Anyway back on topic the book is pretty good and really shows the hell soldiers must endure to become a SEAL. 
Also I finished The Lincoln Lawyer and I have to say it was pretty good.  The ending is definitely a page turner, I literally could not put down the book for the last 30 or so pages.  The twist at the end also adds to the suspense.  I think I have to see the movie now just to see if they portrayed it as well as the book did.  Definitely recommend the book if you're looking for one.  Well that's all I've got right now, besides I have to finish up the close reading so until next time, I'll see you at the beginning.........

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