Friday, October 14, 2011

Joker One again

Still with Joker One, I've finished the book and it's a good one.  Golf Company eventually gets deployed to Ramadi, Iraq with the war on terrorism.  Golf Company is taking over the city from the Army.  The Marines of Golf Company have been training themselves for combat but one they arrive they must act less militaristic and become more friendly because the overall goal is to win the hearts and minds of the people.  An insurgency cannot succeed if the insurgents don't have the people.  Well the Marines do this for awhile, waving and smiling, and handing out candy to all the children, basically trying to make life a little bit better for the people there.  Well it fails.  The insurgents and even the people view these acts as sings of weakness and mount a large attack against the Marines.  From that point on the Marines no longer smile or wave, and when the people see them they move because there's now  look to them that says "we're here to protect you and we will, but we're just looking for a fight now".  The book gives a view into the life of the soldiers in Iraq and the challenges that their leaders, like Lieutenant Campbell, must face.  Campbell see's his men transform for green recruits to hardened veterans through their tour in Iraq.  Campbell said in his afterword that he stays in contact with a lot of the men he led in Iraq.  He says in the beginning that he wrote the book for them, as a way of telling the soldiers families what happened over there when the soldiers themselves couldn't tell.  Anyway it's a pretty good book that I would definitely recommend.  So until the beginning.....

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