Friday, November 11, 2011


Ya no real reason for this post other than to say it's 11/11/11 so hopefully it's a lucky day.

A Post

Okay last time I was talking about the book Quite Strength and I still am.  Tony finished out his college career as one of the high up quarterback and when the draft came (it wasn't televised back then) he and a buddy were waiting bye the phone.  They waited....and waited.....and waited.....and waited.....and then the phone finally rang.  His buddy, Herm was taken in the 100 something round by the Redskins.  Tony was happy for his friend but no afraid for himself.  So he waited....and waited...but the call would never come.  He hand't been drafted and it wouldn't be until a few days later that he would get a call from the Steelers to pick him up as a free agent, as a DB.  He'd never played DB before never even considered it but that's apparently what god wanted for him so he went with it.  Later people would say that he wasn't drafted as a QB because of his height, or his weight, or his arm...and yet some would even say it was because of his color.  That seems like a laughable idea now with Michael Vick and Cam Newton playing football, but back then maybe it was true, maybe the NFL wasn't ready for a black pro quarterback.  That's something that we'll probably never know...and perhaps it's better that way.  Anyway he went to Pittsburgh for training camp and thought he;d never make it.  He has some of the greatest players at DB in front of him and they weren't even starting, but he figured that if he was going to be there he might as well work his ass off to make it.  So he studied film, he asked questions and those great DB's took him under their wing in a way and taught him the position, and lo and behold, he made the roster.  Those same players also helped him become a better Christian.  They were dedicated to their faith in a way that Tony admired and hoped to achieve.  They knew that football was a game, a great game, but still only a game.  And that it was not football that should define them but their faith and character as men.  Well that's all I got so until next time


Here at the end already, time sure flies.  Anyway I chose to answer question 2.  This semester i read books focused mainly around war or football with very little in between, and of those two genres i can honestly say war was probably the bigger one.  It really wasn't hard to find a book to read or to stick with because for the most part the war books are written very well with the goal of keeping you interested.  All but one book came from your in class library and the books I chose were chosen mainly because their title looked good.  I had little trouble meeting the page requirements each week because I honestly wanted to keep reading these books.  Also I would usually read in study hall daily, so there's 45min of reading so really the 100 or 150pgs wasn't that hard to reach.  And ya that's all I got for this so adios, peace out, hasta luego, see you on the filp side, cya, and good bye. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Currently Once More

Quiet Strength: 276-301pgs
Dresden Files: 131-190pgs
Total Pages: 100pgs

Don't really have any favorite sentences but instead I have a lesson from Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy talks about football and how it's a great thing but how it's only a game.  Football cannot define who you are, it can only be a passing thing in life.  A Tony talks in great deal about how his faith defines him and last forever, while football is only a time in life.  Tony also uses football to help spread his belief in god.

Blogging Today

So I've been reading the book Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy.  I've heard football coaches talk about this book and what it means.  The book really is a great book that follows Tony Dungy through apart of his football life.  It starts out following Tony in the end of high school career and looking towards college.  He always dreamed of being a Spartan, for Western Michigan I believe.  There was a coach there that he had always wanted to play for (the name escapes me right now and the books far away so....ya) but he retired before Tony could go there so he ended up going to the University of Minnesota.  Tony played quarterback in college and he was good.  There was one instance, however, where he put himself before the rest of the team.  He was one TD pass away from setting a new school record and despite his coach telling him to run the ball he called a pass...and it was intercepted.  His coach said on the sideline "I'm so mad if I had a gun I'd shoot you."  Tony's team would go on to win said game and he would end up throwing that record setting TD but he learned something, you do whats best for all not for yourself.  Well that's all for today so I will talk to you all later, see you at the beginning....